Average Member

 United Kingdom
215 posts Joined: May, 2004
Posted - 2005/02/17 : 07:06:02
[3 HappyHardcore.com members attended this event.]
Event name: Born2Dance
Starts: 2005/3/11
Country: United Kingdom 
City/Region: Northern Ireland
9pm til 1.30am
Price: £7 otd
Tel: 07814817164
Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Website: www.x-citepromotions.co.uk
Club Tao - above Bar 15, Bangor, N. Ireland
Marc Smith (Rez)
Ajay b2b Andy Wilson
JWL (Wilderness)
MC's Ajay & Darkside
The first of many special guests will be gracing the decks at Born2Dance, and who better to start it all off than The Notorious Marc Smith.
With the minor teething problems being ironed out as we speak, this is one event that will rock. Upfront hardcore in N.I. with Marc himself - wickedy bo!!
The event comes with dancers, special decor, merchandise for sale (mix cd's, glowstix, whistles), friendly security, supervised cloakroom, a loud sound system, nice lights, loadsa ravers and a real wicked atmosphere. For those wishing to play at future events bring down you demos; thinking of running a bus - incentives available, cotact me for details.
Bring I.D., all your raving clobber - NOT caps, or attitudes
So spread the good word, get yourselves down and support the scene
Bring it on!!
X-Cite Crew (N.I)
DJ Airtight & pixie
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