Average Member

 United Kingdom
215 posts Joined: May, 2004
Posted - 2005/07/27 : 03:28:40
[3 HappyHardcore.com members attended this event.]
Event name: System X
Starts: 2005/7/29
Country: United Kingdom 
City/Region: Northern Ireland
After a wee break from System X we are proud to announce that Marc Smith (Mr Notorious himself) will be gracing our fine shores once again. So those of you who have seen this man in action will know that it is one not to be missed and for those of you that havent - what are you waiting for???
Friday 29th July 2005
Marc Smith (Mr Notorious)
Airtight B2B Ajay (Residents)
XL (Oxygen records)
Mog B2B Marty Fennel (Exclusive Oldskool set)
DJ Darcee (New Talent)
MC's Ajay and Go
9pm til 1.30 am, £7 in, no caps, football tops or attitudes, ROAR, over 18's
System is returning with a monster line - up guarenteed to blow the roof off. This promises to bring you the finest in Oldskool hardcore and Upfront hardcore with a little smattering of Freeform thrown in for good measure. Eight well established artists in the scene from here, England and of course Scotland will be you a night of unequalled quality.
As with every X-cite party expect to find our very own dancers, decor, free cd giveaway, tape packs for sale and the finest hardcore party atmosphere.
Bus info: 07814817164
to qualify for incentives ring with numbers before the event
DJ's and MC's bring your demos down on the night
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