Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,747 posts Joined: Jul, 2002
35 hardcore releases
Posted - 2005/09/01 : 08:31:44
[1 HappyHardcore.com members attended this event.]
Event name: Frequency
Starts: 2005/9/3
Country: United Kingdom 
City/Region: Scotland
Venue: Club Martell, Burnbank Road, Falkirk
Doors : 9pm-3am
Entry : 10 pounds on the door
Promos : Stella and VK only 1 pound from 9-12
Coaches :
Glasgow - Ricky - 07770984987
Glasgow - Kev - 07876197564
Edinburgh - Boff - 07854923029
Hamilton & Motherwell - Alan - 07769955034
Room 1 (Hardcore) :
DJ's : DJ Guido (Human Resource), Chub Kray & Ally K, Technotrance, Pablo X, Manni, Joey Riot, Kris Eytle, Marc Loage, Insomiak, Red Eye, Boozy
MC's : XXX, Madman, Boff & A-Ruption
Room 2 (Club Classics & House) :
DJ's : Damian, Stuzy, John Sands, S2H
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