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Average Member

 United Kingdom
215 posts Joined: May, 2004
Posted - 2005/11/04 : 06:15:05
[2 members attended this event.]
Event name: System X
Starts: December 2nd, 2005
Country: United Kingdom 
City/Region: Northern Ireland
System X (N.I) - The Christmas Bash
O aye people, our next party will be our very own Christmas Party. FRIDAY 2ND DECEMBER, 2005 @ CLUB SOI, PORTRUSH
Line-up 100 % confirmed and ready to roll
Following the release of their new album Ultimate Buzz touch down for a live performance here for us. Another all-Irish exclusive, these guys will be putting on a real show. They will be showcasing some of their finest tracks from the new album, as well as dropping the best of their old classics. The new album is available to buy online atm, check out for more details.
We also have N.I.'s scratchmaster DJ Tizer in the house. Along with his partner in crime MC DC this pair are guarenteed to wreck the dancefloor.
Local hero X-Ray will be there to take you all on the journey of hardcore '94 till '97 stylee - expect some powerful tuneage.
One of Newcastle's finest - DJ Fisco, will be there to play a real gem of a set. For the nostalgic amongst us, or those who want to know what all the hype was about - Fisco will be playing a classic Hellraiser/ Vengeance set. Expect this man to scratch it up.
Our 2 residents, Airtight and Ajay, go head to head in the ultimate stitch up. Tune for tune we gotta play stuff that we know the other will have dramas with. Expect one hell of a set!!
Also, our own stage dancers, HTID merchandise, glowstix, and whistles for sale, our own Ronan Keaten, loads of freebies to give away (and we mean loads), really loud hardcore music, fully supervised cloakroom, and a fantastic party atmosphere.
Doors open at 9, close at 1.30; price is £8 b4 10.
So what do you get for your dough?? A true hardcore party at Christmas for 1; 1 live PA; 1 head to head; 5 decks and 2 mixers on the go; 6 exceptional artists; and loads of free goodies.
The event will be fully recorded and broadcast on (date tbc) keep checking this website or hardcore regime's for more info.
Their are incentives available for those orgainising buses. Speak with pixie before the nite.
We advise all to arrive early. This is looking to pack out pretty sharpish.
Hotline for general info and bus enquiries - 07766886983 ask for pixie
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Average Member

 United Kingdom
215 posts Joined: May, 2004
Posted - 2005/11/30 : 07:54:32

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Starting Member

 United Kingdom
9 posts Joined: Dec, 2005
Posted - 2005/12/13 : 06:12:03
is this for over 18s??....what I mean to say there going to be a bar !!??
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Starting Member

 United Kingdom
9 posts Joined: Dec, 2005
Posted - 2005/12/13 : 06:14:25
ahh never mind,I just cheaked the date there on it :(.....I missed it,woulda went to that and all too.
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