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1 post Joined: Apr, 2008
Posted - 2008/05/05 : 20:12:35
[0 HappyHardcore.com members attended this event.]
Event name: Konemetsa OA
Starts: July 11th, 2008
Country: Finland
Province: Uusimaa
Waiting for the Sun. The 5th Konemetsä welcomes You to have a good time.
Astrix LIVE (Israel)
GMS LIVE (Ibiza)
Bansi DJ (GMS) (Ibiza)
Riktam DJ (GMS) (Ibiza)
System 7 LIVE (UK)
Mirror System (UK)
Michele Adamson LIVE (Ibiza / UK)
XP Voodoo LIVE (Russia)
Paul Taylor DJ (Goa / UK)
Boris Divider LIVE (Spain)
Orgue Electronique LIVE (Netherlands)
Scanone LIVE (UK)
Loktibrada (Slovakia)
Far Too Loud LIVE (UK)
Tryambaka LIVE (Portugal)
Surya Namaskar DJ's (Portugal)
Jonas DJ (Sweden)
Sienis LIVE (Sweden)
Filteria LIVE (Sweden)
Proteus (Säde)
Carbon Based LIVE (http://www.finrg.com) Alek Szahala LIVE (alek.szahala.com) Nomic LIVE (Finrg, Fury) RX (http://www.finrg.com) Eewol (FEN-Project) Waily (Terrorcraft, Mayhem) NextAce (Absinth) Accu LIVE (Exogenic Breaks) Mr. A (Danceteria) Troll Scientists LIVE (Space Boogie productions) Genki (Renegade) Texas Faggott LIVE (Exogenic Records) Kiwa LIVE (Exogenic Records) Miazu & Polly (People of the Butterflies) Femi Headphonics LIVE (Exogenic Breaks) Wiljam (Basso Radio) Docius Haltya LIVE (Exogenic Records) Lokal Joha Jean-Peter (Konemetsä) Vuori Soma Indigo (Sininen) Borzin Hidria Spacefolk LIVE (Next Big Thing) Leijona & Inkeri Tähti Orion (Misc. Management) Mekaanikko Mr Velcro Fastener LIVE (Stars-Music) Blastromen LIVE (X0X Records) Leftover LIVE (Statik Entertainment) DCOM (X-Rust / Niitty) Bob Ryynänen (Rikos Records) Burdock & Kitkakone (Butane / X-Rust) Kalle Karvanen (RBMA / X0X Records) CRC & Forehard (X-Rust) Samino, Barfunkel & Maria Soini (Houseforest / X-Rust) Joona Puu (X-Rust) Naks (Club Sievä) Needless (X-Rust) Elmo (TKUdubstep) Okta LIVE (Hippie Killer productions) Kirna LIVE (Freakdance Records) Mullet Mohawk LIVE (Hippie Killer productions) Lemon Slide LIVE (Freakdance Records) Squaremeat LIVE (Exogenic Records) THEME 2008 - ENVIRONMENT We would love that everyone comes to Konemetsä with an open mind and environment friendly attitude. As responsible event organizers we will do our best so that our waste management will be a success. We will provide the area with more refuse bins than in the past. Our Eco Team will do their best to keep the place clean but we need your help. We believe that garbage makes more garbage. That means that if YOU keep the environment clean the rest of the people are likely to do so as well. You really can MAKE A DIFFERENCE. We will also introduce a garbage deposit to help to keep the area clean. This means that everyone will have to give a deposit of 10 € on the time of arrival. You will be given a garbage bag and a token. When you leave you will get your deposit money back when you bring the token and the garbage bag at least half filled to our dumpster. AGE LIMIT The confirmed age limit will be here soon. Until then consider the age limit to be K-18 to avoid unpleasant surprises. PREPARE YOUR JOURNEY Konemetsä is truly a world of its own. Preparing your journey is the best way to get the most out of your weekend. Here is a list of things that are recommended to bring: - Tent and camping gear. - Sleeping Bag - Flashlight - Mosquito Repellent - Towel and Swimming Gear - Padlock for your Tent - Warm Clothes / X Change Clothes / Rain Clothes - Portable ashtray for cigarette butts. - ENVIROMENT FRIENDLY ATTITUDE. DO NOT BRING - Half of what you own. Reduce the items you bring to minimum. Specially do not bring too much of what is considered as conveniences namely RUBISH! MAKE FRIENDS When you settle up your camp it is a great idea to make friends with your neighbors. This helps them to recognize someone that could be lost in a camp where one does not belonging to. MUSIC Music will be performed on four stages. The Main Stage is a classic. We will have a state of the art sound system that comes with a spectacular light show. Desert stage will host the coolest of Hard Trance, Nu-NRG, Breaks and Psy-Trance. The Chill-Out Stage will entertain you in a more mellow side of Konemetsä. This year will see the progress of Stage X-Rust and MTK combined into one stage where Stage X-Rust use to be. WATER There will be water for everyone free of charge. RESTAURANTS AND BARS There will be restaurants and bars where you may get proper meals of different cuisine and snacks of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes. You may refresh yourself in one of our bars and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere while listening to the music you prefer. SAUNA AND POOL This is one of the most characteristic parts of Konemetsä. The Sauna is warmed up before the festival begins and it’s kept hot during the whole event. The pool outside the Sauna is a refreshing and popular place to be specially when the weather gets hot during the day. CAMPING AREA The camping area will open for audience on Friday 11th July at noon (12:00). Camping is FREE and is restricted to the fields. No forest camping is allowed due to safety reasons. We have three camping areas this year (A, B, and C). A is in the same field where the Chill-Out tent is. B and C are located in the fields behind Desert Stage. PARTY AID Our friendly and highly professional Party Aid Crew will take good care of you in case of physical injuries, dehydration etc. They also provide friendly company for partygoers that are confused or in an unusual state of mind. Please consult them in case of any kind of accidents. PARKING PLACE We highly recommend that people should use public transport when coming to Konemetsä because we do NOT have a free parking area anymore. This is an inconvenience to all of us but this year we’ll have to live with it. The farmer who owns the land has decided to grow crop where our free parking area used to be. All vehicles will therefore be parked on the field close to the venue. Our security people will keep on eye on the parking area but it is still not advisable to leave your valuables in the vehicles. Price: Car 20€. Mobile homes or caravans: 30€ (Incl. electricity 1 pc 230V/16A). CHILDREN During the years we have had a lot of children enjoying themselves at Konemetsä. Well, who wouldn’t? Think of yourself as a kid in a forest and in a natural place like where our venue is. Some people think that electronic music and children doesn’t match, we think different. Children are welcome with responsible parents. TOILETS We will provide enough toilets and urinals including emptying service so you don’t have to experience the “normal” festival Baja Maja sight where the doodoo is higher than the seat. We’ve all been there and it is not a nice sight. FIRE SAFETY No open fires are permitted anywhere in the area. Festival staff will provide and maintain open fires around the area. Gas cooking devices are allowed with extreme caution. Caution is also required when smoking. Always stub out your cigarette in a container or similar and make sure the light has gone out. There is water in barrels around the area for immediate distinguishing and fire distinguishers are located in all stages and bars. Please inform our staff members immediately if you discern any type of fire in the area. ATTN: Do NOT drink and drive. It's not just illegal but also very hare-brained and dangerous to both yourself and the others. Line up vill be anounced 1.5 TICKETS Pre-sale outlets 2008 Both physical outlet & web sale Tiketti: - FIN: http://www.tiketti.fi/tapahtuma/2331 - INT: http://www.tiketti.fi/event/2331 For Finnish party people - Street Beat: www.streetbeat.ac Prices Early Bird: 37€ (until 30th April) + booking fee Late Bird: 43€ (1st May - 11th July) +booking fee Gate Price 50€
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