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Posted - 2005/08/24 :  19:37:40  Show profile Send a private message
Okay, I've only been here for about 8 hours and I noticed quite a few things that are wrong right off the bat.

Number One: See those icons above the subject box? They need alt attributes. Just the image by themselves are kind of vague, and for people who use Opera, it's even harder to tell what the hell they mean because Opera won't show the javascript code that tells all in Mozilla/Firefox.

Number Two: The forum code popup says NOTHING about how to use the url tag. It's a tad confusing, seeing that it's a unique forum system, even though this forums' tag system operates much like any other boards.

Number Three: The way smileys are implemented is kinda annoying. Why not go the way of most other forums and use :emoticon: instead of [emoticon]? the square brackets are kinda hard to type out as fast as the colons. Hell, while i'm ranting on about this, why not just make all the emoticons such as ":)" and ":D" automatically ? And why not get the emoticons to have alt atributes, too? It shouldn't be that hard and it adds a certain element of spiff. This is just my own opinion on aethsetics, though.

Number Three: See that forum named Promotors, event organisers and touring agents? Yeah you do. I linked to it using the undocumented url tag. It 's spelt wrong, and I know I'm a spelling nazi and everything, but it's embarrasing to everyone here, even though nobody here can really spell anyways Fix it. It's spelt "Promoters"; You have no excuse to not fix that one.

Number Four: It's a bit of an inconvenience not having "Reply" and "New Topic" links at the top of the thread as well as the bottom. There's no excuse not to fix that, either.

Number mother****ing five: What the ****ity **** **** is up with the retarded censoring of swearing? Are you trying to protect the innocent candy kids' ears from the evils of the words "****" and "Shit"? No, you're not. So **** off with the censorship, please. It's really ****ing pointless and annoying as shit. Holy ****shit. What makes it more pointless is that if you quote someone, the censoring in the form of "**** **** **** mother****ing **** ****" can be seen in clear text. Also, what's the point of censoring truly harmless ****-words on a site that promotes music that more often than not is based on getting really ****ed up on drugs and wasting everything else on dancing the night away? OH ****ING NOES, YOU FAILED!!!!

Number Six: This isn't really an issue specific to the forum, actually. It's a reference to the fact that this whole site is hosted on Microsoft junk. What's wrong with that, you ask? Well, I was browsing the forums (Among doing other things, which is why it was over the period of a large amount of time) and then the stupid Microsoft SQL server died, along with the server. That =SO= wouldn't have happened with mysql, apache, and a nice creamy FreeBSD machine. There is no good, logical reason that's not ******** to not use free software that actually works like it should, stable and secure, in place of flimsy proprietary crap that costs a lot. None at all. And if you think running a Microsoft server is easier and that is a good reason to use it, and if you want to hear my honest and frank opinon, you're a lazy boob. Also, don't take that personally and ban me from these forums for ever and ever and ever, please. That would be immature beyond beleif. Not saying that you would, but just in case

So yeah, those are my suggestions. Hope you enjoyed them. Have a nice day

Oh, and I'd just like to comment on the excellent web design this site merits from :)

EDIT: Forgot to mention that last thing, added another something that kind of annoyed me, and I used html tags instead of Forum Code for that link. A sure sign that depriving yourself of sleep (Not including, of course, good ol' PARTIEEES!!!) is a dumb thing to do

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Edited by - urinetrouble on 2005/08/24 19:52:53
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Posted - 2005/08/24 :  19:52:43  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Underloop's homepage
Hmmmm, perhaps would have been better offlist, but anyhow..... Heres my 2.5 cents

The censoring is there because hardcore is not an over 18 media (not the music anyway). I actually had complaints from parents about some of the language in the forums on my website and started updating my censors (mine are better than **** though heh ). Anyway, censors are there for a reason. This site is open to all, and I know Silver has stated in the past he tries to keep it at PG classification (if websites were classified).

Also, isn't the site hosted on MySQL? For some reason I thought it was these days. I could be wrong though. And I imagine its programmed in ASP as that is Silver's speciality. To re-write it all in PHP would be a mammoth task, although I always found PHP much more flexible as you don't have to get special modules to do stuff, its all built in right from the start. All programmers have their preferences..... although I'd be interested to hear somebody stand up for ASP

I know Silver is in the process of deploying the final v3 code. I think alot of this is stuff he will be taking care of. Anyway, I should shut up now, as I'm not Silver heh

"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw

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Posted - 2005/08/24 :  20:07:14  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit mark-ireland's homepage
I actually had complaints from parents about some of the language in the forums on my website and started updating my censors

**** what the parents say, the whole point of coming onto a site is to talk how YOU want too censorship is bollox.

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Posted - 2005/08/24 :  20:15:38  Show profile  Send a private message
Originally posted by Underloop:
Hmmmm, perhaps would have been better offlist, but anyhow..... Heres my 2.5 cents

The censoring is there because hardcore is not an over 18 media (not the music anyway). I actually had complaints from parents about some of the language in the forums on my website and started updating my censors (mine are better than **** though heh ). Anyway, censors are there for a reason. This site is open to all, and I know Silver has stated in the past he tries to keep it at PG classification (if websites were classified).

Also, isn't the site hosted on MySQL? For some reason I thought it was these days. I could be wrong though. And I imagine its programmed in ASP as that is Silver's speciality. To re-write it all in PHP would be a mammoth task, although I always found PHP much more flexible as you don't have to get special modules to do stuff, its all built in right from the start. All programmers have their preferences..... although I'd be interested to hear somebody stand up for ASP

I know Silver is in the process of deploying the final v3 code. I think alot of this is stuff he will be taking care of. Anyway, I should shut up now, as I'm not Silver heh

The site isn't hosted on MySQL as far as the error messages I received earlier when trying to reach this site that I prooflessly blame on ****ing up Opera. And I'll argue my point of censorship being stupid a little more here because I'm adamantly opposed against pointless prudishness and adamantly for the advancement of society away from sillyness: So what if a couple of parents complained about the eff word? Those stuck-up crumblies can seriously just **** off my internet forever if they're going to complain about that. So what if they don't like what their kids are looking at? Why should the rest of us suffer because of some stupid overprotective parent that thinks that our two favorite 4-word expletives are the devilspawn? Whoopty doodle ****. Overprotective parent's aren't the target audience of these forums, ravers are. And I've yet to meet a raver who was opposed to a bit of swearing here and there.

As for arguing ASP, I actually have nothing bad to say about it other than the fact that it has a heart made of pure EEEEVIILLLL It does create some pretty good pages that come out clean across all browsers and platforms, but really. There is some amazing stuff that can be done with it. This comes to mind, and so does what you're looking at right now. I'm not supporting ASP or anything, though, just saying that it's not all that bad from what I can see floating on top. Kind of like a nice-looking turd in a port-a-potty of microsoft junk (Haha, I'm glad it messed up like that or else I wouldn't be laughing at my own nerdy jokes . So yeah, PHP is better because of the sole fact that it's not pure EEEEVIILLLL . I can't give you a programmers' opinion because quite frankly I don't program.

As for switching everything to a FreeBSD/MySQL/Apache/Possibly PHP combonation, I would totally help if you're into taking that plunge. I know that I'm just one 16-year-old who barely knows how to even do all that stuff, but I'm willing to learn. That and I'm a popular 16-year-old. I have connections. Connections that like happy hardcore and that are good at web design. Yeeees. Might cost some but maybe they would volunteer their services... I'll ask if you're interested at all.

EDIT: Fixed. My post got chopped off weirdly. Or maybe I'm just hallucinating on account of not sleeping at all last night. 6 more hours, I can save my sleep pattern from falling into the abyss, dammit! Plus, a spellchecker would be cool if you're willing to implement that. Hahahaha. I'm so meticulous with my posts... :P

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Edited by - urinetrouble on 2005/08/24 21:07:31
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Posted - 2005/08/25 :  04:09:36  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message
urinetrouble - urawhinger.

Yeah you do. I linked to it using the undocumented url tag.
Somebody didn't read the FAQ. Its right there.

As for the parsing of emoticons, surely there are better thing to whinge about than that. Lets start with starving kids in Africa or something... Like, its actually EASIER to type square brackets rather than colons. Colons require the shift key being held down and then the pressing of the semi-colon key. OMG, its the end of the world! I just saved you like... 3 keystrokes!

Number Four: It's a bit of an inconvenience not having "Reply" and "New Topic" links at the top of the thread as well as the bottom. There's no excuse not to fix that, either.

Um, click on the reply button before you enter the thread so you can read it _and_ reply at the same time. Unlike phpBB forums, this was pretty much written from scratch, using the Snitz forum code as a base. Why am I saying this? Because the phpBB forum code, only allows you to see 15 replies (in reverse order) when you hit the reply button. This custom forum lets you see the whole thing. So you can hit reply to read the entire thread and reply all in one swift action! Wow, thats like 2 mouse clicks.

This is running on MsSql. You'll find that porting this mammoth database into MySql would not only be time consuming, but quite pointless. And while you're Microsoft bashing, don't forget the evils of Google, storing and archiving your email(gmail), anywhere that you surf (stupid google bar) your conversations, (google talk), your shopping (froogle) just about any thing that you look up (google's search engine) and the fact that they sapping the IT market of talent.

And I'll argue my point of censorship being stupid a little more here because I'm adamantly opposed against pointless prudishness and adamantly for the advancement of society away from sillyness: So what if a couple of parents complained about the eff word? Those stuck-up crumblies can seriously just **** off my internet forever if they're going to complain about that. So what if they don't like what their kids are looking at? Why should the rest of us suffer because of some stupid overprotective parent that thinks that our two favorite 4-word expletives are the devilspawn? Whoopty doodle ****. Overprotective parent's aren't the target audience of these forums, ravers are. And I've yet to meet a raver who was opposed to a bit of swearing here and there.

Yes, its censored. Big deal, get over it. Surely, being the |33t hax0r/spelling nazi that you are, you can deal with using other words. So far, you've been the only person to complain. Did you not read the short blurb before you registered?

In your use of these forums, you agree that you will not post any information which is vulgar, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, or violates any laws

Um. Geez. Damn.

I have connections. Connections that like happy hardcore and that are good at web design. Yeeees. Might cost some but maybe they would volunteer their services... I'll ask if you're interested at all.

Somebody has a big head.

Visit my site at

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Posted - 2005/08/25 :  06:55:20  Show profile  Send a private message
Number One: All your complaints are pretty much inconsequential to everyone but you.

I seriously don't think I've ever seen anyone complain about anything on the coding on this site besides the occasional tracklisting death and the slow pageloading before v3. I mean this is a forum, not a showcase for beautiful coding. I doubt any of your complaints have ever seriously hindered someone from using these forums.

Oh and btw, constructive criticism is great but it helps if you try to act like less of an arrogant ass.


A woman who gives up sex too easily is like non-union labor. Union labor HATE that.

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Edited by - zelachang on 2005/08/25 06:59:40

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Posted - 2005/08/25 :  08:08:45  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
These is one person running the backend of this site, me, I do alot of work on alot of things and I don't have alot of time... there could be alot of improvements done to the site but I have to split up my time between all of them. Wha gets me is the first thing you do is come to this site and bitch and complain... Sure there are issues with every site including this one and unless you are prepared to help then you can ask nicely rather that jumping up and down like an anonymous idiot.

You obviously believe the hype that Microsoft is crap, I choose it because it actually saves me time in doing shit, they have good documentation and installs are painless (for the most part), I don't love Microsoft or anything but I don't have the time to install and maintain a linux based system (as much as I would like to)... again this is one person running the backend of the site here... I can't change now because porting to another system would take months and I don't have months to give plus I'm sure there will be a bunch of different problems once I move.

The problems you describe minus the spelling mistake are just cosmetic and will be dealt with in the future, the censor is there because this is the only complain I have had for a censorship in 6 years on running the site, if I don't have a censor I get a complain every few hours...

The internet is such a great place now, you can bitch and complain anonymously and you don't have to do anything... just complain... it is seems fun to complain now... So unless your planning on helping you can be nice.

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Posted - 2005/08/25 :  22:22:58  Show profile  Send a private message
You're all right. I am an arrogant dick and I didn't even realize it. This is all a product of me being stuck inside my house with nothing better to do. I'm going to apologize for what I said. Sorry to all those who read half the posts I've been making here. This isn't the real me and I hope you understand that I'm apologetic for my actions. Again, sorry. I had my naptime and hopefully I'm better now

As for helping out, it may as well be the best I can do after making a complete and total ass of myself, right? So if you ever need any give me a shout. I'll do what I can.

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Posted - 2005/09/25 :  15:16:38  Show profile  Send a private message
i think wat tis site needs is sm games but nt normal games actual hardcore games e.g tis is 1 of my ideas lol

turn of the decks were u play against eachova online in a battle of the djs with the bst mixed tunes and pepl nt competing can rate the tracks played. and at the end of each month ther wil b a special board with the djs name n title on it wat do ya ppl tink ??

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Posted - 2005/09/25 :  18:32:24  Show profile  Send a private message
Okay, I've only been here for about 8 hours and I noticed quite a few things that are wrong right off the bat.

Number One: See those icons above the subject box? They need alt attributes. Just the image by themselves are kind of vague, and for people who use Opera, it's even harder to tell what the hell they mean because Opera won't show the javascript code that tells all in Mozilla/Firefox.

Number Two: The forum code popup says NOTHING about how to use the url tag. It's a tad confusing, seeing that it's a unique forum system, even though this forums' tag system operates much like any other boards.

Number Three: The way smileys are implemented is kinda annoying. Why not go the way of most other forums and use :emoticon: instead of [emoticon]? the square brackets are kinda hard to type out as fast as the colons. Hell, while i'm ranting on about this, why not just make all the emoticons such as ":)" and ":D" automatically ? And why not get the emoticons to have alt atributes, too? It shouldn't be that hard and it adds a certain element of spiff. This is just my own opinion on aethsetics, though.

Number Three: See that forum named Promotors, event organisers and touring agents? Yeah you do. I linked to it using the undocumented url tag. It 's spelt wrong, and I know I'm a spelling nazi and everything, but it's embarrasing to everyone here, even though nobody here can really spell anyways Fix it. It's spelt "Promoters"; You have no excuse to not fix that one.

Number Four: It's a bit of an inconvenience not having "Reply" and "New Topic" links at the top of the thread as well as the bottom. There's no excuse not to fix that, either.

Number mother****ing five: What the ****ity **** **** is up with the retarded censoring of swearing? Are you trying to protect the innocent candy kids' ears from the evils of the words "****" and "Shit"? No, you're not. So **** off with the censorship, please. It's really ****ing pointless and annoying as shit. Holy ****shit. What makes it more pointless is that if you quote someone, the censoring in the form of "**** **** **** mother****ing **** ****" can be seen in clear text. Also, what's the point of censoring truly harmless ****-words on a site that promotes music that more often than not is based on getting really ****ed up on drugs and wasting everything else on dancing the night away? OH ****ING NOES, YOU FAILED!!!!

Number Six: This isn't really an issue specific to the forum, actually. It's a reference to the fact that this whole site is hosted on Microsoft junk. What's wrong with that, you ask? Well, I was browsing the forums (Among doing other things, which is why it was over the period of a large amount of time) and then the stupid Microsoft SQL server died, along with the server. That =SO= wouldn't have happened with mysql, apache, and a nice creamy FreeBSD machine. There is no good, logical reason that's not ******** to not use free software that actually works like it should, stable and secure, in place of flimsy proprietary crap that costs a lot. None at all. And if you think running a Microsoft server is easier and that is a good reason to use it, and if you want to hear my honest and frank opinon, you're a lazy boob. Also, don't take that personally and ban me from these forums for ever and ever and ever, please. That would be immature beyond beleif. Not saying that you would, but just in case

So yeah, those are my suggestions. Hope you enjoyed them. Have a nice day

Oh, and I'd just like to comment on the excellent web design this site merits from :)

EDIT: Forgot to mention that last thing, added another something that kind of annoyed me, and I used html tags instead of Forum Code for that link. A sure sign that depriving yourself of sleep (Not including, of course, good ol' PARTIEEES!!!) is a dumb thing to do

Bludi hell, lighten up hu cares

let me hear you screammm!!!!

[email protected]


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Posted - 2005/09/25 :  20:27:38  Show profile  Send a private message
calm down jeez

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Posted - 2005/09/25 :  20:49:17  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit lucificifus's homepage
Originally posted by urinetrouble:

1) Also, isn't the site hosted on MySQL?

2) I could be wrong though. And I imagine its programmed in ASP as that is Silver's speciality.

3) although I always found PHP much more flexible as you don't have to get special modules to do stuff, its all built in right from the start.

4) although I'd be interested to hear somebody stand up for ASP

5) Anyway, I should shut up now, as I'm not Silver heh

1) no, mSQL probably, considering its ASP

2) Yes, its ASP

3) PHP just calls modules "classes" --> is a good example of the F*CKING GILLION AND A HALF classes there are, and yes, you do need classes to do anything worth anything in php. I like all my code ground up though, I'm a Coldfusion dev, and java based languages are superior to both ASP and PHP.

4) ASP works if your doing a lot of things with other Microsoft technologies (.NET, mSQL, Exchange, et cetera.)

5) Yeah, stfu, noob xD

Welcome to the forums :)

pump tha selectah!

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Posted - 2005/09/26 :  01:42:15  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit swansea247's homepage
Originally posted by lucificifus:
5) Yeah, stfu, noob xD

i second that. and what kinda fcuking name is urinetrouble anyway?, are you trying to tell us something? lol

anyway you my friend dont seem to realise how much work silver has to do to keep this site (and the radio) running. if he had all the time in the world to made this site better than it is now then he would do it. remember...

Good Things Comes To Those Who Wait

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Posted - 2005/09/26 :  08:06:55  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
This topic is basically closed but I still want to point out that we are looking for talented programmers to help for the site.

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Posted - 2005/09/26 :  11:26:53  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Underloop's homepage
Originally posted by lucificifus:
Originally posted by urinetrouble:

1) Also, isn't the site hosted on MySQL?

2) I could be wrong though. And I imagine its programmed in ASP as that is Silver's speciality.

3) although I always found PHP much more flexible as you don't have to get special modules to do stuff, its all built in right from the start.

4) although I'd be interested to hear somebody stand up for ASP

5) Anyway, I should shut up now, as I'm not Silver heh

1) no, mSQL probably, considering its ASP

2) Yes, its ASP

3) PHP just calls modules "classes" --> is a good example of the F*CKING GILLION AND A HALF classes there are, and yes, you do need classes to do anything worth anything in php. I like all my code ground up though, I'm a Coldfusion dev, and java based languages are superior to both ASP and PHP.

4) ASP works if your doing a lot of things with other Microsoft technologies (.NET, mSQL, Exchange, et cetera.)

5) Yeah, stfu, noob xD

Welcome to the forums :)

Dude, you misquoted urinetrouble there..... it was me that posted your quote heh..... not been called a noob in a little while though :-)

"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw

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Posted - 2005/09/26 :  16:11:29  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit katrinar50's homepage
yeah this topic was well and truely closed a month ago when urinetrouble apologised for his post and so it should have been left like that UNTIL some silly noob dragged it up again by posting a stupid nonsensicle (sp) message which was completely irrelevant!!! doh!!


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