Starting Member

 United Kingdom
19 posts Joined: Jan, 2006
Posted - 2006/01/15 : 23:47:25
Hello people,
For those of you who dont know yet Pounding Beats ( is a new hard dance (including hardcore) website packed full of features.
Features include, all of these features you can automatically contribute to by registering etc (for example you can create your own galleries etc without having to email me your photo`s or you can create your own DJ profiles without emailing me the information etc): -
Private Messages (including the ability to send and recieve them on your mobile phone).
Ravers Profiles (including your own general profile information, blog, personal photo gallery and your very own guest book).
DJ Profiles.
We also have a small selection of articles to read.
Please give me feedback on what you think of the site, or even better register and become a dedicated member of the site.
Pounding Beats - The Ravers Guide!
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Edited by - Barnz on 2006/01/15 23:53:29 |