lance madden
Starting Member

 United Kingdom
1 post Joined: Jan, 2006
Posted - 2006/02/01 : 06:02:34
[0 members attended this event.]
Event name: Xtra Hard
Starts: 2006/4/16
Country: United Kingdom 
City/Region: England
Itis finally here,hardcore is coming to nothamptonshire,djs 110% glad to bring you XTRA HARD on the 16th april easter sunday 2006.. its at an club were theres a 200 plus car right out side the club parking isnt a problem. .admission fee is 5 pound on the is the djs that ive got confirmed to play and a link to the night club were XTRA HARD is being and closing times to be confirmed.... DJS ARE- ROBBIE LONG GAMMER DJ FLYIN' LEE UHF LANCE MADDEN DJ SI-ANITE DJ DELITE DJ RAMPANT DAN THOMAS MCS ARE- SO FAR MORE TO BE CONFIRMED- MC JUTT SCOTT POTENTIAL MC OBIE GAZY J ADRESS IS- LEVEL 3 HIGH STREET KETTERING NORTHAMPTONSHIRE
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