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 United Kingdom
736 posts Joined: Dec, 2003
Posted - 2006/02/08 : 20:05:42
Story written by Genital Cramp
There was excitement earlier on today when a whale was spotted entering the Eruption FM studios on a Wednesday. Onlookers rushed to the banks of the river Thames to see the beast, which turned out be completely pointless as it wasn't anywhere near there.
Experts were earlier trying to decipher why it had strayed out of its natural Thursday evening habitat. One suggestion was that someone had left half a Mint Aero in the studio from the previous week and this was enough to attract the whale's attention.
It's believed that the best time for sighting the whale is 8-10pm tonight. It's normal sonar has been disturbed by its unnatural habitat and as such onlookers may hear it emitting sounds that bear similarities to classic bouncy techno and freeform, broadcasting on a frequency of 101.3FM. A web broadcast of the whale will also be available at:
Rumours that the whale was distressed and couldn't understand what anyone was saying were dismissed when it turned out that DJ Wizbit was out of the country. However there was later controversy as one onlooker said "That's not a whale, it's Paul Zykotik. I can see how you got the two confused though."
TC , TopCat.
Tuesday mornings 9am-11 on
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Edited by - d.j.t.c on 2006/02/08 21:38:05 |