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Senior Member

 United Kingdom
447 posts Joined: Jan, 2006
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 10:39:07 Dont know how many people are already usin' the site, but if you're not..... you should be!
Good site for finding local Raves/events, meeting new people and organisin' meet ups.
Its worth a click!
A way of Seeing, a way of Feeling, away of Being...
HARDCORE- A Way of Life.
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Squishy Star
Advanced Member

 United States
2,242 posts Joined: Mar, 2004
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 10:54:56
"It's worth a click!"
...To see all the hot chics!
lol - I'm a girl; I just know someone that goes to that site and is always showing me pics from there... =)
Indeed, it is an awesome site; for the U.K. at least!
"i want to create a world, a world full of colour; where everyone can play. like one big party that never ends,"
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Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
822 posts Joined: Apr, 2005
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 11:17:13
Yep it has already got 4500 photos on there from the weekender! (If you look hard enough you can even see me with Darren Styles!)
__________________________________ - please add me I'm lonely :-)
Lovenation vs Poison Rain - Beautiful Day - Tune!!! - That I will not be buying as it is a JAL track! :-(((
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Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,518 posts Joined: Jun, 2004
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 11:24:02
Im on there m8, im under the same name as here!
I think you have got me confused with someone that actually gives a FUK.....................
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Senior Member

 United Kingdom
447 posts Joined: Jan, 2006
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 12:40:27
Sound mate, i'm goin2 Hindsight on the 24th and there should be a load ov spotters Crackin on in there, so hopefully have me pic up soon!
A way of Seeing, a way of Feeling, away of Being...
HARDCORE- A Way of Life.
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Chris B
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
3,964 posts Joined: Dec, 2003
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 13:22:50
i think its shit, alrite for photos of places you've been but its a right stupid layout and you cant find your mates when you try look for them.
could be good if got a new design
once again back is the incredible, rhyme animal, incredible
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Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,486 posts Joined: Apr, 2003
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 14:22:05
I agree with Baldo. Its not really very user friendly the layout, you do kinda have to get used to how it works to navigate to get to where you wanna be straight away.
I'm on the site and its good however to look at the photos that your mates have taken in events that you've been to. I'm on there with the same name and have got a couple of good photos on there from raves.
JESTER, n. An officer formerly attached to a king's household, whose business it was to amuse the court by ludicrous actions and utterances, the absurdity being attested by his motley costume.
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Em Jay
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,727 posts Joined: Apr, 2004
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 14:57:06
I just recently started browsing that site. I agree with baldo and jester, it is a bit pants layout wise. VERY slow also. Ah well just signed up :)
Although i cant find that rave on NYE last year that i went to :/
:.Cheezy Quavers.:
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Angel of Avalon
Average Member

228 posts Joined: Apr, 2005
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 15:24:22
I got to that site by mistake, browsing for some info on a rave...
The color yellow hurts my eyes and I couldn't make head nor tails of it...
Nah, I have only a few sites which i visite regularly, because they are worth my time, and that one isn't one of them...
Miss *I'm-hardcore-gabber-and-death-doesn't-scare-me*
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Da Cunney Bugz
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
2,222 posts Joined: Oct, 2005
25 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 16:16:12
crackin site but youve got to scroll through hundreds of pics to find a pic of you which is a bit shitty, but spose der no ova way of doin it rele
GaMMeR WoTs It
GaMMeR Do Do
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Chris B
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
3,964 posts Joined: Dec, 2003
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 16:34:58
quote: Originally posted by Da Cunney Bugz:
but spose der no ova way of doin it rele
all they needs something you can search for a member by name, wouldnt be difficult
once again back is the incredible, rhyme animal, incredible
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