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9 posts Joined: Apr, 2002
Posted - 2002/04/14 : 09:52:51
According to Steve Luigi ( old skool master ) Scott Brown has moved to Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, to open up his own club, for HAPPY HARDCORE events !!!
I dont know how true this is, but steve and scott go back a long way, and he has been seen frequently in Leeds and surrounding areas !!!
Since the death of H/S @ Bowlers, we poor folks of Yorkshire aint had anywhere local, so I hope the rumours are true ..........

Dance Until The Police Come !!!
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DJ Mouse
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2,687 posts Joined: Jul, 2001
Posted - 2002/04/14 : 14:20:30
don't even joke,i fu©kin live in huddersfield!!!!!
hmm,perhaps he's opening up the old bassbin record shop as a hardcore one?!?! i hope so :D
"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"
DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2002/04/15 : 00:12:23
'Bout time happy hardcore came back to the North! Keep us posted!
"Its a Hardcore hit. This is the **** that kicks" - MC Storm
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw
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 United Kingdom
114 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
Posted - 2002/04/15 : 16:13:34
Sorry, But I Cant See This Rumour Been true.. What About His Kid.. Him And Stuart Go Everywhere Together.. So Duz That Mean Stuart Brown has Moved Too.
Why Not The Whole Brown Family.
Sounds A Bit Far out To Me.
Thats Like The Rumour A While Back That JD Walker Was Livin Here In Hull
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DJ Mouse
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2,687 posts Joined: Jul, 2001
Posted - 2002/04/15 : 16:29:03
i'm sure he's playing at vibealite on saturday,which is going on here in this town. ya never know,maybe if he came down to see the venue he took a trip round the town and saw one of 4 possibilities:
the best club here (even tho it's crap) is shutting down and it's getting turned into a casino. loads of ppl have said that a new club is opening at the bottom of town,perhaps he's bought the land?!?! (i say land because it used to be a car showroom there)
then there's an old night club that's been bought out across the road from it too,aparrently it was a s**thole there (twas open before my time)
and another person said the club that's shutting down is reopening across the road from that! confusing i know,but there's 3 chances for him here when it comes to clubs.
as for the 4th, an old record shop is reopening in the town,maybe he's got that?
badboy: loads of ppl move to other parts of the country (world?!?!) and take their kids with them, no reason why scott shouldn't take stuart with him
"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"
DJ Mouse
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 United Kingdom
114 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
Posted - 2002/04/15 : 16:45:52
Err, Yer I Know People travel All Over The World And Take There Kids With Em, I Was ActuallY Usin Yorkshire Slang There.. As You Should Know, Been A Yorkshire Lad.. Tut Tut !
When I Sed His Kid.. I Litterally Ment His Brother.. Not His Son !!
Do You Not Know Who Stuart Brown Is.. Bass X ?!?!?
Anyways, Still Sounds Far Off From Coming True, i Will Gladly Eat My Words If Im Wrong On This One, But I Cant C Him Movin To Huddersfield, To Open A Club Or Record Shop.. Why Move.. He Can Do that Up In Scotland !
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DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2002/04/16 : 04:40:21
i never heard that one before about kids/brothers! yikes
yeh i knew that stuart was his brother but thought maybe he had a kid called stuart as well. obviously not,i'll bear the slang in mind next time lol
if i see him round town anywhere i'll let you all know
"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"
DJ Mouse
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Posted - 2002/04/16 : 04:49:01
well if its rite then wikkid if not then .... shame! .... just heard bout vibealite this week end..... im gonna go no matter wot!!!!!
If computer games effected us kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
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 United Kingdom
9 posts Joined: Apr, 2002
Posted - 2002/04/16 : 09:58:47
Me iz going too !!! my partner in crime is playing there !!! ( DJ - DUB )
along side Mark E G ( my all time fave DJ ) !!!
so I guess its gonna be a good 'un for me ........ lol

Dance Until The Police Come !!!

Dance Until The Police Come !!!
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Posted - 2002/04/17 : 02:18:40
hmmm, I thought "Our Kid" was a Manchester/Lancashire expression. There ya go you Yorkshire lot, coming across the border and nicking our slang 
"Wait a minute, thats not the Monsterometer, its the Frog Exagerator"
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw
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Love Monkey
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 United Kingdom
113 posts Joined: Apr, 2002
Posted - 2002/04/21 : 13:31:05
OMG, i think ive just messed myself.
In the words of Ali G: "Give a man a compilation tape and he'll dance for a night. Teach a man to scratch, and he'll be dancing for generations!"
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Posted - 2002/04/23 : 00:07:19
I spoke to Sarge yesterday, and he said that yes, Scott Brown has moved to Huddersfield (living virtually next door to Demand apparently!), but he isn't aware of any plans for him to open a club/store/anything over there.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news
Matthew aka Cyclone/Underloop
"Wait a minute, thats not the Monsterometer, its the Frog Exagerator"
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw
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Love Monkey
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 United Kingdom
113 posts Joined: Apr, 2002
Posted - 2002/04/23 : 02:09:09
Mousse, I live in hudds. What are these clubs/places you speak off?
Which ones shuttin down?
In the words of Ali G: "Give a man a compilation tape and he'll dance for a night. Teach a man to scratch, and he'll be dancing for generations!"
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DJ Mouse
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2,687 posts Joined: Jul, 2001
Posted - 2002/04/23 : 03:04:21
someone told me visage and ethos are shutting down along with hotshots,and those two are reopening as one club across the road. i know for a fact that hotshots is going,but i only heard about visage and ethos from this one person so i dunno if it's true.
the other one i'm on about is wipps nightclub right at the bottom of town
"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"
DJ Mouse
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Love Monkey
Junior Member

 United Kingdom
113 posts Joined: Apr, 2002
Posted - 2002/04/23 : 04:03:26
Ahhh...hotshots and visage. So many memories.........
All mostly bad!! Except that one time they played hardcore!
In the words of Ali G: "Give a man a compilation tape and he'll dance for a night. Teach a man to scratch, and he'll be dancing for generations!"
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DJ Mouse
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 United Kingdom
2,687 posts Joined: Jul, 2001
Posted - 2002/04/23 : 07:50:51
too many fights in visage,i went there for my 18th last september and there was about 3 fights all round me on the dancefloor lol
the latest i've heard is that yeh it's shutting down but they've no plans on rebuilding it :(
"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"
DJ Mouse
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