Advanced Member

824 posts Joined: Nov, 2005
Posted - 2008/05/30 : 04:24:07
[0 members attended this event.]
Event name: SuperVixa
Starts: June 6th, 2008
Country: Poland 
City/Region: Krakow

This next installment of SuperVixa should make both oldskool-breakbeat-piano fanatics and 4/4-kickdrum-bassline addicts feel at home! We're gonna get vocal, melodic, bouncy, acidic, dark, old- and nuskool - a unique psychorave mashup served by very competent servers.
* NEFTI * * DYNASTY * Plus the one & only SuperVixa crew: * MK FEVER * * TORPEX * * BASSIV * * EDEE DEE * * 6 June 2008, Roentgen Club (pl. Szczepanski 3, Krakow, Poland) * kickoff at 9 pm * entry 10 PLN * highly recommended: rave gear, massive smiles and loads of P.L.U.R.!
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