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 United States
30 posts Joined: Sep, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/06 : 22:05:50
So I recorded this mix a little over a week ago. At first I was a little skeptical to uploading. Originally I wanted to make this mix 30 minutes instead of 60+. But sometimes I get into the mixing and just can't stop.
So this mix features a few tunes that a lot of you may already know. I tried to capture a more chaotic/carnage sorta feel with my track selection. There's one or two gems in here that I probably shouldn't have dropped, but ah well - I think it adds some spice to the cooking.
Anyway, I'll try to keep it shorter next time around. Until then, enjoy the mix!!! And as always, your feedback is always appreciated, good or bad - but never required! Keep it locked guys. Peace. Edit: My scratching needs hella work - I know lol
2 x Pioneer CDJ800
1 x Numark TTX
1 x Shure White Label
1 x Pioneer DJM600
1 x Sony MDR-V700
1 x Cheap Microphone from Radio Shack
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Edited by - Ixnay on 2009/06/06 22:18:16 |
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
5,000 posts Joined: Apr, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/06 : 22:47:25
quote: Originally posted by Ixnay:
So I recorded this mix a little over a week ago. At first I was a little skeptical to uploading. Originally I wanted to make this mix 30 minutes instead of 60+. But sometimes I get into the mixing and just can't stop.
So this mix features a few tunes that a lot of you may already know. I tried to capture a more chaotic/carnage sorta feel with my track selection. There's one or two gems in here that I probably shouldn't have dropped, but ah well - I think it adds some spice to the cooking.
Anyway, I'll try to keep it shorter next time around. Until then, enjoy the mix!!! And as always, your feedback is always appreciated, good or bad - but never required! Keep it locked guys. Peace. Edit: My scratching needs hella work - I know lol
On the DL, perhaps PM me a tracklist? thanks :)
Aka Archefluxx
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New Member

 United States
30 posts Joined: Sep, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/08 : 01:22:40
Track list are over rated as you could probably identify most of the tracks I dropped just by listening. Maybe I'll post it up later...but honestly, I'm just too lazy to type it all out.
2 x Pioneer CDJ800
1 x Numark TTX
1 x Shure White Label
1 x Pioneer DJM600
1 x Sony MDR-V700
1 x Cheap Microphone from Radio Shack
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Edited by - Ixnay on 2009/06/08 01:27:39 |

 United Kingdom
12,636 posts Joined: Nov, 2003
Posted - 2009/06/08 : 10:38:35
chaotic...carnage ...scratching... gems and songs that shouldnt have been dropped!!!??
sounds like a mix close to my looking forward to this one :D
downloading now!, will feedback when finished listening..or maybe on the fly...we'll see how busy i get here at work lol
Triquatra/Bee Trax/Cuttlefish - -
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New Member

 United States
30 posts Joined: Sep, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/08 : 11:54:45
Cheers friend!
Hope you enjoy it as much I did mixing it!! :P
2 x Pioneer CDJ800
1 x Numark TTX
1 x Shure White Label
1 x Pioneer DJM600
1 x Sony MDR-V700
1 x Cheap Microphone from Radio Shack
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 United Kingdom
12,636 posts Joined: Nov, 2003
Posted - 2009/06/08 : 15:52:57
first song really got me into the mix...
but then that bloody phase song came on..(lol) sorry, i have it in for that song...cant stand the vocal over the top at all. the song itself is fine yeah..i had to skip that one..
mixings spot on so far, as is the scratchin that just thats a crackin song too! (the one with the male vocal snippit "music")
quite enjoying the mix still..though wth's with song's using vocal samples that make no sense "gravity is a trick of the body...devised to concel deficiency of zee mind" really ruins tracks for having sex whilst someone stands in the room and once and a while shouts the words "FELINE ANAL SEEPAGE!"
ahhhhhh De Humanise ...complete win!
overall was good! thankyou :)
Triquatra/Bee Trax/Cuttlefish - -
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2,521 posts Joined: Apr, 2004
Posted - 2009/06/09 : 06:33:07
quote: Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
quite enjoying the mix still..though wth's with song's using vocal samples that make no sense "gravity is a trick of the body...devised to concel deficiency of zee mind" really ruins tracks for having sex whilst someone stands in the room and once and a while shouts the words "FELINE ANAL SEEPAGE!"
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 United Kingdom
6,198 posts Joined: Mar, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/09 : 08:05:47
Was listenin to one of ur mixes on the radio the other day as it happends, so will download this thanks!
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New Member

 United States
30 posts Joined: Sep, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/09 : 12:18:08
quote: Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
though wth's with song's using vocal samples that make no sense "gravity is a trick of the body...devised to concel deficiency of zee mind" really ruins tracks for having sex whilst someone stands in the room and once and a while shouts the words "FELINE ANAL SEEPAGE!"
LOL!! Yeah - the sample doesn't make all too much sense...but eh, I like it - its still a good tune. And I think it kind of went with the vibe. Though definitely not something I'd play out at a party.
quote: Originally posted by Wilky:
Was listenin to one of ur mixes on the radio the other day as it happends, so will download this thanks!
Hell ya friend, ya I have just only a few up on the radio. I wanted to submit this one, but I figure it'd be easier to post it up for download. The last mix I submitted took a few months to be accepted...LoL. Maybe they didn't think it was good enough at first? -shrug-
Well, hope you like this one! ^.^
2 x Pioneer CDJ800
1 x Numark TTX
1 x Shure White Label
1 x Pioneer DJM600
1 x Sony MDR-V700
1 x Cheap Microphone from Radio Shack
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