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tru bass
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,996 posts Joined: Jul, 2006
Posted - 2009/06/22 : 20:29:05
allo... not uploaded a song for a while, but i have improved NOUGH since last time...
so here it is
tru bass - nu tune
uk hardcore/hectic tune this is a bit of a funky joint.. and hope you enjoy this version.. FEEDBACK most appreciated :D if anyone wants to work with me on this track then feel free to contact me via pm.. it needs alot doing to it, but ive ran out of ideas.. Anhow CHHERSSS and hope you enjoy it EDIT: just noticed the hats are out of sync in the last bit of the song, dont worry about it
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Edited by - tru bass on 2009/06/22 20:30:45 |
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1,100 posts Joined: Dec, 2007
Posted - 2009/06/22 : 20:42:47
i like it mate!
sounds kind of makina to me, which i love, nice melody
I'm downloading this one!
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 United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/22 : 22:19:18
The style has been done to death but the production on this is top notch mate
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"
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535 posts Joined: Apr, 2009
Posted - 2009/06/22 : 23:09:19
this is a good wee tune man...i like it...the build up to the main section is great
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 United Kingdom
4,217 posts Joined: Sep, 2006
Posted - 2009/06/23 : 11:58:18
Haha "nough". Love it!
Im not keen on that kick, sounds too subby. Like it's had a harsh EQ boost in the low end. Its a bit too overpowering. The bass sounds a bit strange in the low ranges too. You're not producing on headphones be chance are you mate?
Snares when they are that wide and noisey always sound wrong to me, but that is basically the UK Hardcore standard i guess so its probably just me. But i do like the reversed effects you got going on in the intro.
Im liking the sound of the track though. Pretty cool kind of gated melody. Reminds me of some tiesto tune ive heard, He's A Pirate i think. The 1st part of the tune and 2nd part (after the breakbeat section) are such different styles. Starts off very trancey as i said then ends up makina and donk, i was wondering what Naturatech was talking about when he said it sounds makina when i was listening to the 1st bit lol. I cant make up my mind whether it works and sounds great or not. I love each section individually though, especially the makina. Reminds me of the good old days on the local park smoking weed and listening to MC Sparky D rap over Ghishlaine - Land Of Dreams on us phones haha. Good times.... Er got a bit sidetracked there.... Anyhoo. Yeah i reckon they sound good together after a couple of listens mate. Nice track overall, few production issues with the bass and kick and, for me, snare but other than that tis pretty good. I recon you make an all Makina tune next mate
"Music creates order out of chaos; for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous." -Sir Yehudi Menuhin
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Edited by - Meathead on 2009/06/23 12:02:52 |
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/23 : 14:17:15
I agree with Meathead on that kick.
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"
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535 posts Joined: Apr, 2009
Posted - 2009/06/23 : 15:05:19
yeah i agree with mortis and meathead about the kick...seems lik uve boosted the low frequencies and cut the higher ones...well thats wat i reckon..probably isnt right
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tru bass
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,996 posts Joined: Jul, 2006
Posted - 2009/06/23 : 16:14:10
cheers for that you lot, yeah i always seem to get stuff said about my kick... i have no idea on how to do it up though! do you reckon one of you lot could just giv me a bit of a lesson on how to make it sound good?
and i didn't know it sounded like makina haha yeah il make a whole song sounding like it next time!
p.s thats spooky that you know i produce on headphones :S
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 United Kingdom
4,217 posts Joined: Sep, 2006
Posted - 2009/06/23 : 17:03:55
Haha, not spooky mate. Bass on headphones doesnt seem as prominent or over powering as when on proper monitors. Whenever i make a bass or kick i cross reference with my headphones and monitors. My basses and kicks tend to almost disapear when ive made them using monitors then check them on headphones. I dont know if that explains what i mean very well.... i cant explain it, its just obvious lol.
The first thing ill say is get yourself some decent monitors. Youre a good producer, getting some monitors could improve that so much more though. Other than that i cant really give too much advice on kicks im afraid. Im personally trying to make my own, but so far ive come up with one maybe two decent ones that id use in a track. If i use samples though ill always layer up. One wit a birra sub to it, a punchy one and sometimes a live kick and EQ them seperately as needed. Ill almost never boost frequencies only cut them. Then i group them, use an enveope shaper or compressor and a touch of distotrion. A bitcrusher can help add a bit of top end sparkle aswell ive found.
I use samples from all over the place really, but you could try K-Complex's free sample pack. Some really good ones in there. If i can find the link ill post it up for ya mate, if not ill just upload it when i get a chance. But really monitors are, not a neccessary as such, but i think you really could do with some now mate.
I look forward to some tru bass Makina, man
"Music creates order out of chaos; for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous." -Sir Yehudi Menuhin
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 United Kingdom
4,217 posts Joined: Sep, 2006
Posted - 2009/06/23 : 17:11:30
Hmm. K-complex's site doesnt seem to be working......
Found this anyway: Little tutorial on layering. Let me know if you want that sample pack mate and ill upload it as soon as i can. There's a few bits and pieces that could come in handy actually.
"Music creates order out of chaos; for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous." -Sir Yehudi Menuhin
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tru bass
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,996 posts Joined: Jul, 2006
Posted - 2009/06/23 : 17:20:27
ah yeah that sample pack would be quality! cheers!
thanks for that layering tutorial as well!
il have to find the dosh somehwere for the monitors then haha its a bit of a hectic period atm in terms of money for me :S
and il get on the makina! ;)
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Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
4,217 posts Joined: Sep, 2006
Posted - 2009/06/23 : 18:01:39
Here you go mate. Let me know if there's owt wrong, i never seem to be able to get zipping files up quite right.
K-Complex Sample Packs: Enjoy Money problems? First step for me - mum and dad  lol joking it's a bastard when the money just isnt there i know. For now though just check your tracks on every system you can. Headphones, mp3 player, car stereo, hi-fi, tv. Every system you can and compare that with how other tracks sound on the same systems. It's not ideal but it's better than nothing. Oh and of course you should do this anyway even if you have monitors.
"Music creates order out of chaos; for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous." -Sir Yehudi Menuhin
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Edited by - Meathead on 2009/06/23 18:03:19 |