Whizzkid MC TrueHardcore
Starting Member

 United Kingdom
3 posts Joined: Oct, 2004
Posted - 2004/12/23 : 19:45:50
[1 HappyHardcore.com members attended this event.]
Event name: True Hardcore 2
Starts: 2005/1/15
Country: United Kingdom 
City/Region: England
True Hardcore 2. Hardcore Super Heroes.
15/ 01/ 05 @ Club Mist. Nene Pardade, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.
Doors open at 7.30pm, music starts at 8pm. ( No more ques! Booyaa! )
AND... its only...
£ 8 b4 10pm!!
and but only,
£ 10 between 10pm and 12pm!!!
( More after, but no admitance after 1am. )
Heroes called upon and their special weapons.
( 100% CONFIRMED. )
8-9> Pettrucio - Local Hero!
9-10> Flyin-X ( aka Flyin.) - AK 47Burgergun!
10-11> Sedaredevil ( aka Seduction ) - Bottle of HP!
11-12> Breezeman and Boy Farquar ( aka Breeze & Styles ) - B + Electric Slamma! BF + A Heartbeatz Cheesey Smile!
12- 1> Iceman Brown ( aka Scott Brown) - Booom Stick!
1-2> Incredible HIXX ( aka Hixxy ) - The Hardcore Smash!
2-3> Saberforce ( aka Force ) - Full Force Fader!
3-4> Syclops ( aka Sy ) - Da Scratch!
Superstorm ( aka MC Storm ) - Xrave Vision!
Spiderkid ( aka MC Whizzkid ) - The Beatbox Twist!
Captain Wales ( aka Wotsee ) - The Clarty Clart Clart!
Wolversey ( aka Odyssey ) - Lyrical Lick!
Keeping the 2nd arena flying, we have...
Jedi Masters and MC Yoda.
D-ice & Reality and MC Smiley.
Andy Wilson and MC Darkside.
Mister Stewart, Strange Dave and MC Chitchat.
ATTRACTIONS - Tonight Showcasing the worlds first One Million and One Colour L E D Dancefloor!!!! OOOOOH!
Wicked lights lazers n sound. ( Heroes Honour! ) Free Patrolled Parking in Asda across road from venue! Bang Blast!
" 20 mins from Peterborough, 45 minutes from Cambridge, 45 minutes from Norwich, 65 minutes from Leicester, 80 minutes from London."
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