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WTF DJ Cammy??

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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  18:58:18  Show profile Send a private message  Visit NeXuS's homepage
This was brought to my attention while in the chat room earlier.

Check this out:

I dont know what Cammy is trying to do but I think he should at least give an explanation.

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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  19:01:53  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit whittle1's homepage
hmmm this is very very interesting actually


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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  19:13:01  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit bristolboy05's homepage
why is it so interesting ???

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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  19:15:31  Show profile  Send a private message
what has he done?

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Da Cunney Bugz
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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  19:17:40  Show profile  Send a private message
lol that pretty dodgy, a girl sent me a track of his a while back and it was absolutely appauling

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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  19:20:17  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit NeXuS's homepage
Originally posted by T~:
what has he done?

For starters compare Line-ups with the one Cammy posted to the actual one Torpex posted.

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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  19:20:37  Show profile  Send a private message
yeh, im sick of people playing that crap on there phones in school. its just some womans voice sped up by like 1,000 bpm lol

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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  19:22:39  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit whittle1's homepage
Originally posted by bristolboy05:
why is it so interesting ???

Because DJ Cammy is the equivalent really to DJ Rankin, and like Da Cunney Bugz says his tracks are appauling and have nothing to do with hardcore. So why would Hixxy and Scott Brown be playing in the same room as him?


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Da Cunney Bugz
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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  19:24:13  Show profile  Send a private message
Originally posted by Dj-Fusion:
yeh, im sick of people playing that crap on there phones in school. its just some womans voice sped up by like 1,000 bpm lol

lol that sort of sum's up his fan's the sort of dick head bad boi's who get on the bus with shite blurring out their nokia's.

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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  19:40:30  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Uproar's homepage
Originally posted by Dj-Fusion:
yeh, im sick of people playing that crap on there phones in school.

Thats exactly what people do in my school. Drives me up the ****ing wall.

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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  19:54:55  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Mortis's homepage
Thats just pathetic really, why would anyone blatently lie and claim they've played an event when they clearly didn't...

Some people just need a right good beating about the head.

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Posted - 2005/12/19 :  20:35:56  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit tunnelrush's homepage
haha i wanna meet this guy. see where his head is at...then smack em.

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Posted - 2005/12/20 :  03:43:05  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
I actually was going to post this as a thread last week but something stopped me, after reading this I have no problem posting this.

DJ Cammy is a faker, he is actually worse than Rankin, Cammy rips off other peoples mixes and claims there his own, he DJ's on other hardcore radio stations "live" but plays bonkers CD's or other peoples mixes. He send mixes around to people claiming their his but they are just someone elses mix. He is perminately banned from the chatroom because of this and soon this site (the only reason he is not banned at the moment is because I want him to explain his actions).

It gets worse, he also needs his head checked, he claims to know all these people, is DJing live on radio, now playing live at an event, is doing this and that... it's all lies... don't believe what he says. I personally think he is living inside an internet dream or something.

This is warning, if you see DJ Cammy playing ANYWHERE, that includes live parties or on radio stations he is not actually playing or will play someone elses work, please inform the owner of the station or promotor about this and point them to this thread confirming it.

DJing is hard, it takes 6-12 month to get and good, Cammy is ripping off hard working DJ's that make the time and put the effort in to learn to DJ.

I normally wouldn't post about this type of stuff but this is just wrong and you need to be slapped Cammy. Your heart is in the right place, you just doing it all wrong.

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Brian K
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Posted - 2005/12/20 :  04:32:02  Show profile  Send a private message
ha, that's people not knowtice he's playing mixed cds when he's playing at a party?

so is this the same person as the one that released on q-dup?

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Posted - 2005/12/20 :  04:34:30  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
^^^ I don't think he has played live just posts he plays live... No this is a different Cammy to q-dup and other releases.

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Posted - 2005/12/20 :  04:44:10  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit mj-dream's homepage
wow i seriously cannot understand why someone or how someone can lie like tht.......tis ****ed up he must be thik

mmmm i love it hard

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