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Interview with JOEY RIOT

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Al Twisted
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Posted - 2006/01/09 :  00:38:41  Show profile Send a private message  Visit Al Twisted's homepage
To mark the new scottishhardcore site being unleashed upon the world today we have done a new interview with Mr Joey Riot.....

previous exclusive interview's on the site include Jappo, Hardcocholics, Matt Green, Jon Campbell, Hellfish, Spinback, Smurf, Mark EG, Mark N, Clarkee and Sass.

check the new site and interviews at

dont forget to sign up and say hello in the forums too:-)

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Posted - 2006/01/09 :  02:20:02  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DarrenJ's homepage
pretty good interview


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Posted - 2006/01/09 :  06:27:29  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit mj-dream's homepage
yeah i like joey hes sound some great stuff come from this bloke

mmmm i love it hard

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Posted - 2006/01/09 :  16:05:14  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit whittle1's homepage
Oh aye!
He's shaping up to take Scott Brown's place as the king of scotland! (hardcore wise.)


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steve O
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Posted - 2006/01/09 :  16:52:29  Show profile  Send a private message
Lmao, i know it's old, but that interview with Smurf is hilarious. A true Geordie nutter.

'BCN style'

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Chris B
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Posted - 2006/01/09 :  20:50:48  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Chris B's homepage
^^ ^^ Innit steve mate thats why everyone in glasgow loves him aswell you cant help buzz of him wherever he plays, cant wait til 18th march he's coming down london been ages since i've had chance of a proper hard rave

Al i have to say am glad to see how well your getting on, i've got so many memories from the twisted events was by far the best event i ever experienced til i hit holland. Got me into the hard sounds and really showed me what rave culture was about.

Half way through a hard set I played 'Freedom' by QFX. The hard ends looked puzzled, and the cheesers got up to dance. I pulled the needle across the record, snapped the record, took off my T-shirt to reavel another T-shirt saying 'QFX are ****in shite'. The whole place went bezerk, ha, was great. I got a phone call from QFXs manager a few weeks later going off it! hehe. I've met them since then, and there cool about it, nice lads & lassies!

Had to quote this bit had me in stitches , woulda loved to see that musta been so random.

once again back is the incredible, rhyme animal, incredible

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Edited by - Chris B on 2006/01/09 20:53:29
Al Twisted
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Posted - 2006/01/10 :  10:51:28  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Al Twisted's homepage
:-) Baldo u gonan egt up here for March then?

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Chris B
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Posted - 2006/01/10 :  20:45:23  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Chris B's homepage
Originally posted by Al Twisted:
:-) Baldo u gonan egt up here for March then?

Sounds gd mate jus gotta . Jus been bck up for new year and have to say realised how much i missed the place, i'm goin subliminal discharge down this way on 18th. what dates your event if i'm free sure it'd twist my arm?

But aye a lotta my original ravin lot's setlled down and given it up raving now but lads i no from falkirk go to every twisted and i miss the style the events got, sure i could convince a few folks a reunion sessions necessary aswell .

Is twisted still at archaos mate? Can't imagine it there i only remember scotstoun but always such a gd party.

Let me no dates i'll try sort somethin out.

once again back is the incredible, rhyme animal, incredible

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Al Twisted
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Posted - 2006/02/03 :  01:44:51  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Al Twisted's homepage
march 31st -
and aye it is archaos;-)

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Chris B
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Posted - 2006/02/04 :  00:12:27  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Chris B's homepage
Looks wkd never got to see colins set live before and darkside arena's incredible.

Been listenin to couple sets of rob da rhythm on the hardcoreregime show, that boy plays some savage techno

i'll get that sorted mate, look forward to a rave back home

once again back is the incredible, rhyme animal, incredible

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