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3,895 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
91 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/02/18 : 14:32:55

On 11th March we are holding a massive event on Featuring some of the biggest names in Hardcore, we are getting together for 12 hours of non-stop hardcore in order to raise some money for Save The Children.
As well as the music, there'll be give aways and prizes. We've also got lots of exclusive goodies that will be auctioned off and other such stuff. All money raised from the auctions, money donated to the station on that day, and also any profit made from the shop will all be sent to Save The Children.
OK, as a little taster of who we've got lined up for you, here are some of the DJs playing out on March 11th:
Nick from Bang! steps up to the decks and mic for this exclusive 40 minute showcase. Bang! are perhaps one of the most well known Hardcore acts, with a legendary tracks such as Sailaway, Cloudy Daze, Til The Day, and of course Shooting Star! Nick has also donated a couple of Bang! albums and a few choice pieces of vinyl from his collection to the cause for this event. I'll be posting more about these nearer the event.
DJ Silver(tbc)
Another exclusive. Straight out of Tokyo,'s own DJ Silver is going to try and squeeze some space out of his extremely busy schedule to rock the airwaves in aid of Save The Children. As the owner of Masterwax and Infinity, you can expect a banging set from this guy!
An exclusive Ionosphere showcase set, incorporating.... well, just about anything from their discography. I've given the lads a free reign on this one, so expect anything from way back in 1992, up to their most recent stuff.
Ponder & HB B2B
Elation crew represents! These guys host one of the best parties in the UK, and are firm believers in music coming before the hype! Anybody who has attended Elation in London, or checked out any of the stuff on their label will know what to expect. Should be a great set!
Representing the hardcore scene over in the US/Canada, Milo is one of the chaps behind the extremely successful NAHM organisation pushing the scene over stateside.
Theres lots more DJs involved, and I'll post a full line up nearer the time. We've got a full 12 hours of non-stop hardcore, exclusive to . This is a one off event, so make sure you stick it in your diary!
I'll post more details nearer the date.
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw
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Edited by - Underloop on 2006/03/08 22:16:27 |
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
10,304 posts Joined: Feb, 2003
572 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/02/18 : 14:37:54
This is going to be awesome.
Get behind it boys and girls, all for a good cause.
Taking my time to perfect the beat
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 United Kingdom
1,440 posts Joined: Jan, 2005
Posted - 2006/02/18 : 14:39:07
looks absolutely fantastin underloop
ionosphere,elation lads,milo,nick :O kin el im gonna be tuning :)
mmmm i love it hard
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 United Kingdom
10,304 posts Joined: Feb, 2003
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Posted - 2006/02/18 : 17:27:37
Will perfoorm sexual favours to gain listeners.
*Females only need apply* ;)
Taking my time to perfect the beat
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 United Kingdom
7,205 posts Joined: Apr, 2004
430 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/02/26 : 23:27:21
Looking quality. I can't remember the last time I stayed in on a Saturday night but I'll break my habbit's for this : ).
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 United Kingdom
431 posts Joined: Mar, 2005
Posted - 2006/03/04 : 15:22:55
well i would listen, and want to, but live365 sucks balls, and will not let me sign up. so its a no go for me. :(
is there way to find a direct link to the .pls file?
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 United Kingdom
3,895 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
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Posted - 2006/03/04 : 21:27:00
Not that I know of unfortunately. I know you used to be able to listen without a free account - is this not the case anymore?
How come it won't let you sign up? If you PM/email me the problem your having I'll raise it with the powers that be and see if we can't sort something out
*edit* If you have only tried recently then this is due to a cock up with L365 installing a new DNS server, and there was a bit of a hiccup. I understand from Net Support that this is 99% resolved, although there may be one or 2 ISPs who's DNS' haven't updated. If this sounds likely then let me know your ISP too and I'll pass that on for Tech Support to deal with
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw
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Edited by - Underloop on 2006/03/04 21:40:24 |
Senior Member

 United Kingdom
431 posts Joined: Mar, 2005
Posted - 2006/03/04 : 22:17:39
well, it woulent let me sign up because the link to confirm the sign up in the email resulted in a blank page.(tested multiple times) checked it again just now, and it decides to work....
so no worrys!
thnx for the help anyway!
i'll be listening :D
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 United Kingdom
3,895 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
91 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 22:15:53

OK guys, I've just received final confirmation for the Progress line up! Here we go
HB & Ponder (Elation)
Silver (Masterwax/Infinity/
Ionosphere (Out of Romford)
Bang! (
Milo ( Breaks/TSR)
Sean Apollo (Nu Energy Collective/GreyScale Records/
Tommy Renegade (Overload/Hardcore Overdose)
DMS & Underloop B2B (
Exhile (
DMS (Playin' on t' intense radio nar then!)
DJ Harmonic (
Underloop (
We're going to be kicking off at 12 noon GMT on and trying to raise as much money as we can for Save The Children during that time. Heres just a few of the ways we're doing this:
*All donations into the station on the 11th and 12th March will go to Save The Children
*Lots of records and cds up for auction - all proceeds to Save The Children *During the event we'll have a competition to win Bang! and Ionosphere CDs and t-shirts! *DJ DMS will be being kept in the Intense Cellar locked in until we raise enough money to release him
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw
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Edited by - Underloop on 2006/03/08 22:17:17 |
Advanced Member

 United Kingdom
1,747 posts Joined: Jul, 2002
35 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/03/08 : 22:25:15
I'll be tuned in, will try my best to donate.
"The music was like new, black, polished chrome
that came over the summer like liquid night"
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 United Kingdom
3,839 posts Joined: Jun, 2003
185 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/03/09 : 00:40:22
Will not be donating just to keep DMS locked up
Panda Style
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10,304 posts Joined: Feb, 2003
572 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/03/09 : 13:05:31
Might make more money if people can donate to keep me locked up!
Taking my time to perfect the beat
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758 posts Joined: Jan, 2004
238 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/03/09 : 14:07:12
times like these i wish i had broadband and/or a job
The Ironing is Delicious
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 United Kingdom
3,895 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
91 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/03/09 : 22:19:55
Well, I know that Ionosphere's set is being recorded and the boys are going to be making it available from This will be "donation-ware" in that if you like it then make a donation - which will be going direct to Save The Children! In the meantime....

OK, now a little bit of background to the DJs supporting this event (thanks guys its massively appreciated!):
Ponder & HB
The gents behind Elation Productions, Elation (the event) and Elation (the label - notice a theme developping here?) top the bill with a 90 minute set exclusive to Progress! Bringing with them crab sticks, fluffy pandas, and I believe Noel Edmunds and Bruno Brookes will be making an appearance in the studio to help the lads out! Ionosphere Straight from Out of Romford Records, the Ionosphere boys have been in the music game pretty much since I was in nappies! I've given the boys a free reign to showcase some of their finest stuff from the early stuff right through to as yet unreleased 2006 tunes, and they are bound not to dissapoint! DJ Silver What this guy has done for Hardcore cannot be put into words! Owner/manager of the largest Hardcore community in the world, introducing thousands of new ravers to Hardcore, and also owner of Masterwax and Infinity record labels he also finds time to promote the scene throughout Japan and the rest of the world. Bang! When Bang! emerged onto the scene in the mid-nineties with Sunshine on a Cloudy Day (aka Cloudy Daze) on Next Generation the scene went crazy for it..... in fact that mix still gets played to this day! This was wiftly followed up with possibly one of the biggest anthems in the Hardcore scene - Shooting Star!!! Bang!'s most recent project has been the Shooting Star Album featuring fresh remixes from Storm and Euphony, Phosphor and Justrich and Luna-C amongst others! Milo Originally hailing from New York, but currently residing in Toronto, Canada, Milo is one of the pioneers pushing Hardcore (along wth others such as Sean Apollo) over stateside! One of the founders of the North American Hardcore Movement (NAHM), and producer extrordinaire (having written one of my favourite songs (Leave You Again)) Seriously check this show out! Sean Apollo One of the original residents from, Sean has since gone on to fantastic things as both a DJ and producer! I first heard this guy mix when he was just 15 and signed him up to Intense immedietely! Since then he has started producing and runs his own record label, Greyscale Records as part of the Nu Energy Collective! Mucho banging beats! Tommy Renegade Hailing from Northern Ireland, this guy is a rising star on the Emerald Isle, as co-promotor of both Overload and Hardcore Overdose this guy knows how to rock a dance floor! Exhile Hailing from Holland, DO NOT expect a gabber set! This guy is all about the bounce! Underloop Founder of, hailing from North West UK. Often sits in a corner smelling slightly funny - spinning twice during Progress - once on his own, and then again B2B with DMS DMS Yorkshire's finest bringing tough, bouncy beats to the decks! Resident on Intense and all round top bloke. DMS will be being kept locked in the Intense Cellar throughout this event. Your donations will either keep him there or release him. Send your request in with your donation! Harmonic Another resident on Intense, Ryan Harmonic is a firm believer that a mix should be in key, as well as in tempo - expect something a bit bouncey!
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw
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637 posts Joined: Mar, 2005
Posted - 2006/03/10 : 03:47:29
This looks awesome, but what time is it starting ; )
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 United Kingdom
3,895 posts Joined: Mar, 2002
91 hardcore releases
Posted - 2006/03/10 : 07:56:36
It all kicks off at 12 noon GMT, finishing at roughly 12 midnight GMT
Set times to follow today!
"We don't stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing."
- George Bernard Shaw
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