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Insane New Member
United Kingdom
40 posts Joined: Aug, 2004
Posted - 2006/04/04 : 18:02:27
As always, Myself & DJ Mind will be taking you on a journey through the Hardcore Years
Starting off with the original 1992 old skool flavours and building it up to the upfront UK Hardcore sounds of 2006
Just link to & get locked in from 8.00pm till 11.30pm! :D
Chris B Advanced Member
United Kingdom
3,964 posts Joined: Dec, 2003
Posted - 2006/04/04 : 19:23:54
every tuesdays the best night for hardcore cunney mate.
my mate blinx starts 4-6 then got all sorts of class stuff all night, well worth a listen.
I like it all the time most nights get a lotta old school and jungle sets, good thing is it aint just all the anthems i always hear stuff i've never heard before.
once again back is the incredible, rhyme animal, incredible
The Doc Advanced Member
United Kingdom
2,718 posts Joined: Jan, 2006
Posted - 2006/04/05 : 00:03:06
cheers Baldo proper oldskool wish I new how to send my old tapes to you( without actually sending my old tapes of course)
Rock you in your face! stab your brain with your nose bone!