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Mortis Advanced Member
United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/12 : 11:51:04
I started on this cheeky little remix a few days ago. It's all coming together quite nicely so far so I thought I would share the track in it's current form to see what people think.
Taking on board feedback from a few people I've taken the vocal out and re-created the melody.
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"
Mortis Advanced Member
United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/13 : 00:22:35
Updated link added in first post.
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"
Hard2Get Advanced Member
United Kingdom
12,837 posts Joined: Jun, 2001
Posted - 2009/06/13 : 01:42:07
Well this is the first new tune i've heard that is actually traditional Hardcore, and it is very refreshing to hear indeed.
Especially love the kick and breaks; the tune in general is a big improvement on the last thing i heard from you. You've done very well to make the song sound authentic, and the engineering is good too.
Mortis Advanced Member
United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/13 : 09:27:42
Thanks for the feedback guys, much appreciated. I'll have a look at the vocal sample Brian because I think the same thing to be honest. The FX have not been finished yet so some of them will probably go.
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"
kathryn Advanced Member
United Kingdom
6,520 posts Joined: Apr, 2005
Posted - 2009/06/13 : 09:45:12
Yeah hubby get you with your much deserved positive feedback
I know you have been working hard grabbing moments to complete this track nice 1
catjam Senior Member
United Kingdom
407 posts Joined: Oct, 2008
Posted - 2009/06/13 : 19:51:33
Very good indeed Mortis...i hope you start a trend here
and no vocals in it is why i like it even sick of vocals in hardcore tracks
the fact that people can and do call most of 2days hardcore tracks a song
just doesn`t seem right to me lol
anyway good tune mortis (not song) lol..i liked the last couple i herd of yours also
Mortis Advanced Member
United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/14 : 01:34:54
Thanks Catjam. I know that a lot of people want to hear this type of music again so you never know if a trend will start, I'm hoping so anyway. If I can even begin to lay the seeds of a happy hardcore & old skool revival then I'll be happy. What we need is old style euphoric riffs and sounds mixed with new production techniques.
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"
Meathead Advanced Member
United Kingdom
4,217 posts Joined: Sep, 2006
Posted - 2009/06/14 : 17:43:14
Ok mate finally had a listen (the audio interface is still taking the piss mind).
Right, it sounds good nice big banging kick. 1st break sounds good. I think there's too many breakdowns tbh, im not that familiar with how long the original lasts or how many breaks it has, but i think it just goes on a bit and becomes a bit dull. The second breakdown doesnt gel in with the rest of the track i dont think. It sounds really loud and in your face compared with the other breaks and it sort of over shadows the track when it does come back in. I dont know the track overall maybe compressed too much or something along those lines so the parts that should be a bit quieter arent (i know you know what compression is im just trying to explain what i mean lol).
I think, from what i could make out from the 1st clip, it worked better with the vocals tbh (looks like im the minority on that one though lol) especially so if its gonna be as long as it is. It needs something else to be introduced to change it up, so i think the vocals would have worked. The tracks a classic and as such as been played to death, so the last thing needed is a remix that gets too repetitive. It does sound good though mate, definitely has potential and i like what youre doing at the moment, so keep at it man.
"Music creates order out of chaos; for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous." -Sir Yehudi Menuhin
Project-Industrial Advanced Member
2,481 posts Joined: Nov, 2005
33 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/14 : 17:45:13
not my thing but imma comment producer wise ;) sounds pretty neat =] dont know the orig unfortunatly else i cudda given some proper commenting =p
Mortis Advanced Member
United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/14 : 20:12:33
quote:Originally posted by Meathead:
Ok mate finally had a listen (the audio interface is still taking the piss mind).
Right, it sounds good nice big banging kick. 1st break sounds good. I think there's too many breakdowns tbh, im not that familiar with how long the original lasts or how many breaks it has, but i think it just goes on a bit and becomes a bit dull. The second breakdown doesnt gel in with the rest of the track i dont think. It sounds really loud and in your face compared with the other breaks and it sort of over shadows the track when it does come back in. I dont know the track overall maybe compressed too much or something along those lines so the parts that should be a bit quieter arent (i know you know what compression is im just trying to explain what i mean lol).
I think, from what i could make out from the 1st clip, it worked better with the vocals tbh (looks like im the minority on that one though lol) especially so if its gonna be as long as it is. It needs something else to be introduced to change it up, so i think the vocals would have worked. The tracks a classic and as such as been played to death, so the last thing needed is a remix that gets too repetitive. It does sound good though mate, definitely has potential and i like what youre doing at the moment, so keep at it man.
Well the track is not finished yet so no compression has been used as such, same with sound levels so that might explain why you hear it louder in places.
As far as the breakdowns go I'm happy with it. I'm happy with the overall structure of the track so unlikely it's going to be changed and I do find it strange that you mention too many breakdowns (each one is different to the next in some way) but say the track is repetitive.
The original track I did used vocal samples from the 97 remix and a few people have pointed out that it didn't sound too good so I took Eufeion's advice and re-created the original version myself.
I do agree that some kind of rap sample could be used to liven it up in places, I've not managed to find a good one yet.
Thanks for the feedback though.
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"
Mortis Advanced Member
United Kingdom
7,493 posts Joined: May, 2004
341 hardcore releases
Posted - 2009/06/14 : 20:13:36
quote:Originally posted by Craigavon raver:
nice remix man,if i were you i,d send it to hixxy and see what he thinks,you never know cleh 6 here you go lol
I have considered it but he seems pretty hard to get an e-mail address or contact details for.
"Maybe in a day and age in which even our rappers can't get to the end of a verse without having an existential crisis, we should find a place for happy hardcore"
Meathead Advanced Member
United Kingdom
4,217 posts Joined: Sep, 2006
Posted - 2009/06/14 : 21:05:08
I cant really explain how its repetitive, or in what way i mean it is. Its not your remix specifically, but this track. The original and whatever remixes have been done. Imo its too long. The only time ive really listened to the track properly, and paid much attention to was on Bonkers, the version played is mixed out pretty quick, if i remember rightly. Its a great track, but when played for so long starts to grate on me. Its pretty much personal tastes, looking at the rest of the responses im alone in thinking this so yeah, it is just my opinion clearly. Fair enough if youre happy with it mate, if thats the case i wouldnt change a thing, but im just giving my honest opinion same i do with every track i listen to.
"Music creates order out of chaos; for rhythm imposes unanimity upon the divergent, melody imposes continuity upon the disjointed, and harmony imposes compatibility upon the incongruous." -Sir Yehudi Menuhin